The greatest gift in life can't be donned by expensive wrappers, can't be tied by colorful ribbons and can't be found in any fancy store. It's beyond what eyes can see and what a hand can grab.
We paddled through the rushing water and every step was a darker mystery. With illuminating flashlights and accruing curiosity, we traversed the dim place. The deafening silence depicts that something is lurking behind, alluring us to come closer. My every step was done with caution or I'll find myself plunge into the shallow water, gain bruises of recklessness and a chance for them to laugh at me. What convenience do I have stepping on something I can't barely see? Thanks for the one who invented the flashlight. I went on, painstakingly.
An aloft squeaky sound passed through us, I felt the soft gush of air. Little wings flopped and I could vaguely visualize the adroit creature.
"Is that a...bat?" I asked.
"It is." My friend confirmed.
And I thought I made a hogwash question. Of course, what flying creature would I expect inside a CAVE?
"That might be a playful one who got lost and now finding the way abode or maybe the winged creature was just trying to break the boredom of hanging up there." I told myself.
So much for that bat. I was fascinated by the strange place, somewhere I've never been but always wanted to be. At the moment, it's not a just a mere image printed on a photo paper, I was there experiencing every detail. If you're not an adventurous type, you might not have the interest to scroll down. If you care to do so, just try to imagine, I was there and you're with me.
Careful okay....slippery surface can put you into shame...
We hear but we don't listen...
Hearing is using your auditory sense. Listening is processing the data that was gathered by your auditory sense. So hearing is just hearing alone but listening is hearing that requires thinking. Do I make sense?
It's good to rely on our own judgement and consider certain actions, by then we can call ourselves " DECISIVE". But that doesn't mean we have to shut our mind from external opinions and concerns. You might not know how these few words can save you from trouble. Hear, listen and weigh things over.
Years had passed and regarding health and emotion my friend fully healed.
And yes, my mother doesn't have to shout as I leave the house. Rain or shine, I always have my umbrella on the go.