We paddled through the rushing water and every step was a darker mystery. With illuminating flashlights and accruing curiosity, we traversed the dim place. The deafening silence depicts that something is lurking behind, alluring us to come closer. My every step was done with caution or I'll find myself plunge into the shallow water, gain bruises of recklessness and a chance for them to laugh at me. What convenience do I have stepping on something I can't barely see? Thanks for the one who invented the flashlight. I went on, painstakingly.
An aloft squeaky sound passed through us, I felt the soft gush of air. Little wings flopped and I could vaguely visualize the adroit creature.
"Is that a...bat?" I asked.
"It is." My friend confirmed.
And I thought I made a hogwash question. Of course, what flying creature would I expect inside a CAVE?
"That might be a playful one who got lost and now finding the way abode or maybe the winged creature was just trying to break the boredom of hanging up there." I told myself.
So much for that bat. I was fascinated by the strange place, somewhere I've never been but always wanted to be. At the moment, it's not a just a mere image printed on a photo paper, I was there experiencing every detail. If you're not an adventurous type, you might not have the interest to scroll down. If you care to do so, just try to imagine, I was there and you're with me.
Careful okay....slippery surface can put you into shame...
Those are Stalactites, it's a chemical reaction between water and limestone.
Will take million of years to form, so it's an extremely slooooow process.
Cacupangan Cave
Mabini Pangasinan, Philippines
WOw, thats some adventure there. Getting all wet with nature and stuff. Looks like another episode of "Man vs Wild"! Just thought I'd drop by and say hi from Lawstudes. Cheers!
wow.. naalala ko tuloy ung mga spelunking adventures ko noon. too bad ndi ko na mapagpapatuloy ang mga ganyang adventures..
inggit ako! :D
wow, kala ko sa palawan... but that is a beautiful place...
still a lot more places to visit in this country of ours.
sigh, kung marami lang ako pera!!!
what a great experience. there is something about caves that is mysterious. perhaps it is the unknown or maybe the fear of enclosure. anyways, great job on the details. take care and have a nice day.
A nice rendition of the trip ;)
Must've been fun eh?
hi there!
Nice one, Man vs Wild. hehe.
Yeah, getting close with nature.
Nice to have you landed on my page.
tlaga? trip mo rin pala yung mga ganito. bakit naman di ka na makakapagpatuloy? try mo uli, masaya.pramis.kros my hart.hehe;)
thanks for dropping by.;)
Gusto ko nga rin Palawan e.
You're right, a lot more places to visit at tama ka rin, kelangan ng datung, hehe.
salamat salamat.
kung great experience sakin, ano pang tawag ng sa'yo? lol
kung san san ka nakakarating e, isa kang huwarang lakwatsero. haha.
nice day to you as well. thanks. ;)
Good to know i did it the nice way.;)
I'm sure you'll also have fun with that Meditterranean ambience.
I will never forget my times in caves in ancient Ozarks here in my state.
The "deafening silence",as you describe, it is perfect. If alone way back in there it seemed as if the walls absorbed the sound of your heartbeat. And pitch black as well!
You are very brave to go into the small places without fear. But thats the fun of it.
i was just about to ask where this was but then i read the location in the end :)
this is totally something my brother wud love to do...
great post and very 'transporting' pics
Hi Iriz, What an adventure Loved it how you build up the tension. I love caves as long as I don;t have to go to far in it. Than I am a wuzz. I love going out of the city and just forget about life. Might do that soon again. Love marja
Oh, wow....lovely view of the caves...just a few months back had an adventure in a few caves here...they are really thrilling & most of the time the passages are so narrow that you have to move just by crawling all the time....lovely post!
so you do caving as well.
"If alone way back in there it seemed as if the walls absorbed the sound of your heartbeat"
yeah, better always have someone either ahead or behind ;)
about bravery, just a bit of being dauntless and strong curiosity are enough. right that's the fun of it. ;)
just trying to see some good places here in my native land. ;)
you better try to do it with you bro:)
just trying to see some good places here in my native land. ;)
you better try to do it with you bro:)
You've been so busy lately, i know, nice to have you back. thanks for that.
see you around. ;)
It's really tough to go through that rough way.sometimes you don't just have to crawl, you also have to swim!
wow, have enjoyed walking though the cave with you.
we have a number of caves in slovenia but most of them are electrified and adjusted for touristy purposes. but walking through the underground is still a magical experience.
Caves are awesome! And scary. ;) Sounds like you had fun! And it's always good to scramble your life, to change things up. I've been doing it for 8 months now and keep on doing it. :)
Wow what an adventure! It must have been fun! Discovering a place. AT times these are the moments that really makes up life prettier than it seems.:)
Lovely thanks for sharing..
***Sometimes you have to scramble your life. Go somewhere you've never been, do something you haven't done.
Lovely advice there..:D
i'm pretty sure that's also a fascinating place. they say cave is a sign of a healthy ecosystem, so having several of them is a good thing.
thanks for walking with me!
So you're up to something. that's good.i'm sure there's a lot out there that you enjoy doing just like how you slay those movies. ;)
thanks for being here.
Nice to know you got that part. ;).
Thanks for dropping by.
by the way, if it isn't too much to ask (kakapalan ko na mukha ko), i am nominated in this pinoyworld blog contest and i need votes. please check the poll in my blog and vote for LAWSTUDE. thanks.
it's going to be too much to decline. ;)
sure walang problema. ;)
Wow ,a great adventure..So nice to meet you..greets from holland!
You write very well!!
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