On the road, loading stations were jam-packed with people making their ways to schools and offices. Fortunately, I was the one of those who had a great and laborious morning on the way to work. I clambered through the bus not being sure if I could make it inside and with the hope that chance will be so kind to have me spot a vacant seat. If not, I have no choice but to stand up, grip on bars to keep my balance and wait 'till the bus is partially unloaded. It occurred to me that gentlemen nowadays can be considered as endangered species and I'm afraid they're close to non-existence. In a public vehicle like this, expecting a guy to stand up and offer his seat to you is like winning the major prize in a most exciting raffle draw. So, I gave myself a wish of good luck.
Luckily, I got my individual seat.
Must be at work as early as 8:00AM but the bus was making a turtle-like motion. There was no car accident on the way or a crowd having massive social rally, one can call it just an ordinary day. This explains why people in our local area are starting to believe that heavy traffic isn't an issue but something to embrace as "normal". Who would ever thought that normal can be so ridiculous as this?
Since the vehicle was at the same spot for so long, I could tell you that it felt like we're in a parking lot. The weight of the bus remained static on the ground and the gravity on earth is not helping me. I'd like to to push the window open, crane my neck out and shout at the top of my lungs "What the @%^#$? is this?! Move your wheels! I'm getting late!" But of course...that's a stupid idea so there's no way that I'll do that, just a by-product of my burning frustration. I remained on my seat holding sobs.
I can't blame the bus driver who managed the steering wheel, can't blame the car before us which also waited on the long queue, can't blame the innocent traffic lights that no matter what color it had didn't make any difference with the traffic flow, can't blame the traffic enforcer...for I didn't see any. So let me blame the government for not being able to construct wider roads and let me blame myself for having an erroneous estimation of time to reach my destination. Wish I could dig a tunnel that begins from our house and ends straight to my office. Don't you think that would be great?
When the bus made a complete halt to unload passengers, I rushed out the door and crossed the road. I got only few minutes and to beat the time I'd like to run just how they do it in marathons. But no, not with my 3-inch high heels. I actually hate high heeled shoes but I'm pretty sure you won't like to see me wearing a corporate attire with comfy slippers.
At last, I'm at the main entrance of the building but it's not yet over. The elevator was waiting for me, it opened up and employees rushed in. I'm in a total impatient mode as the elevator stopped at every floor.
Finally, I'm at the 11th floor and made my way to our training room. I didn't think that greeting them a "Good morning!" was appropriate at the moment and for me.
A smile along with my shrinking feeling, I uttered...
"I'm sorry....I'm late"
No matter how you rant today due to heavy traffic, distance between your house and work office will be the same distance you'll go through by tomorrow. So either you reside to a closer location or wake up earlier. Perhaps you could include that huge tunnel as well. Can you think of any other options?
A smile along with my shrinking feeling, I uttered...
"I'm sorry....I'm late"
No matter how you rant today due to heavy traffic, distance between your house and work office will be the same distance you'll go through by tomorrow. So either you reside to a closer location or wake up earlier. Perhaps you could include that huge tunnel as well. Can you think of any other options?
At least there was no food involved!
Nice tunes to listen to while at your place.
haha. yeah right.
but i use to eat more when i have a bad day like this, giving myself a little treat.
nice to know u enjoy the music;0)
Hi iriz. I remember this from when I lived in Holland Always traffic jams full busses and trains and the race against the clock.
That's one of the reasons I moved to NZ. They are catching up here however but not as bad.
so moving to another place is really a good option ;0)
i hate that feeling, when you have to race against the clock but anyways i can estimate travel time better than before.
i think i should also move to NZ. Lol.
oh, i hate jams and crowded busses but it's not much better here. i don't know why this is connected, but if it rains, the traffic jams become unbearable... not much we can do, though...
life in the cities has become so similar in every part of the world today...we all have to face such situations everyday as our world comes more closer & closer...people are all moving frantically for the same cause & its has become such a daily feature for all of us.
Lol!! You put this in a different light.
The species of gentlemen seems to be disappearing thanks to the feminists or something like it. Hope this doesn't trigger a war.
As for options, I've always lived with 15 minutes of walking distance to work, considering that I spend 20 days a month at work.
Ugh, so sorry about your bad morning. I totally understand. Where I live has one of the worst traffic situations in the nation. I live less than 10 miles from work and it takes me a half hour to get there without traffic.
oh same thing goes here, when the rain pours then expect worse traffic.
crowded areas are suffocating. ;)
right, cities are so busy and all are suffering during rush hours. ;)
good for you if you have a 15-minute walk to your workplace.
you got that one!
well...yeah...let every man gets the chance to sit! lol. ;)
it's indeed a bad morning and a lesson to learn. thanks for letting me know that i'm not alone with this one, now that makes me feel better. lol
in the immortal words of alanis morissette.. "isn't it ironic? don't u think?" :)
lol. right, call it ironic. i love that song by the way. ;0)
That's basically one of the thing i hate about manila (makati), the traffic and wasted time. ironically, i may find myself back there soon.
for someone like you who travels a lot, of course you really know what i'm talking about.
well then as early as now...
Welcome Back! ;0)
i have those days too.. im in so much in a hurry, and it seems that all traffic lights are against me.
yeah,i know. for me, traffic lights are neither against me nor with me. they just don't care at all.
By the way i am campaigning for INSULARE and DONGISM in Filipino Blog of the Week. Kindly VOTE for them in Talksmart's or my blog. The poll is in the upper right side of the blog. Just check both their names. Take Care!!!
I day dream while I drive to work. I know I should pay attention, but what would be the fun in that.
no prob. ;0)
right, there are things you don't have control though you pay attention. ;0)
Hi Iriz,
New here but loved ur place....nice blog...I'll visit more often :P
Life is like this....mordern wrld has many more facilities....it is long on quantity but short on quality! LOL!
Best wishes....
BTW, if u get time, do pay a visit to my abode too!
you got a point there meghna. i think it would be more quality to have a flying bus.;)
welcome to my page, nice to have you here ;)
Hi Iriz,
Flying buses....nice thought....lovely....dropping by again to thank you for the visit...btw, if you want to read abt flying buses or other fantasy stories/poem.....u cld always drop by my second blog - Delve Into The Mind Of A Budding Blogger LOL! That wld oblige this little kiddo :)
sure! i'll pass by. ;0)
hiii , u have a very intersting blog here . u r soooo correct about , buses & bus drivers , why god why do they need compete with snails whenevr u r in a rush?
thanks for being here!
right,heavy traffic makes no difference with a snail. ;0)
i just love the music that you have on your blog
great tunes
enjoy the beat! ;0)
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