Have you ever spent a night with someone and by the next day your ways crossed, exchanged hi's and hellos as if nothing happens? The casual way.
Playing game is fun but how far can you go to please yourself?
This might be one of your games...Are you ready?
Straight from her lips, she confessed. Details by details, how it began and how long it's been goin' on. The set up? No commitment, no strings attached...just a bed buddy. It's when two pieces of flesh joined together, did such thing over and over but never talked about it. Well, I guess that is just fine not unless one gives in and goes beyond the agreement.
She became emotionally susceptible and felt a pinch whenever another girl roves around her bed buddy. In every game, there's a rule and NO DEMANDS is a big thing for this one.
The guy, on the other hand shows no strong feelings of any kind. And the girl admitted that made her flinched. I don't believe that the guy wasn't aware of how she feels. Someone's trying to pretend that everything's fine.He knows but tries ignore it and so the game goes on.
One thing is for sure, in the middle of the spiralling flame is a burning dilemma.
Dunno how will it end but it's a matter of choice and how you adhere with it.
Whether it is wrong or right, I'll leave it all to them, I'll leave it all to you.
Anyways it's hard to judge and show total acuity on a situation you've never been.
I'm not here to lay my verdict.
Just here to remind the adage "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS"
Wanna play?
For the one who wants to initiate, don't lay all your cards, if you do...that's how you'll lose the game.
For the one who wants to join, go ahead...amuse yourself but be cautious enough to be aware of what a fire can burn. Ashes ain't a broken glass, no pieces to reclaim.
This is the game of fire.
Now, can you tell me who wins?