Year ended, year started... So how things went on us for the passed 365 days?
I bought a planner last year. Accompanied by a friend, she saw me handling the thing and asked me in perplexity, "What are you suppose to do with that?!"
Though she sounded like she wanted me to bring it back from where I got it, I know she's not playing ignorant and I'm sure she knows how in this world it is being used. My friend just can't get the point of planning a "day".
Half of the year, I forgot about the planner. It rested inside my closet and hadn't got a time to glance on it. The year ended, I found my planner back and turned every pages.
From the month of January to June, I enjoyed knowing details of what had happened from the past, what I had accomplished and little tasks left unchecked because I failed to do so.
It's when I plan for tomorrow...
I went through the month of July to December, pages were neat with no trace of my pointed pen. But I know since events went unplanned, I got a lot of surprises along the way. Things went done without me worrying too much.
It's when I just live the day...
The comparison:
Just because you plan for the next day doesn't mean you're too anxious for tomorrow, anyway being organized won't hurt. Well, you don't really need to purchase a planner. Having a mental notes of your goals will be fine though writing it down and making it visible is a good way of reminding yourself. The downside? You hate surprises. It's annoying when your boss begs you for an overtime and it's on your plan to go home early so you can do your stuff. You hate it when someone calls you for an immediate reason and you're supposed to stay at home because that's your plan for your most awaited rest day.
On the other hand...
Just because you go ahead live the day doesn't mean you don't really give attention. It's always a great thing to live a carefree life, enjoying and taking each moment. The downside? You misses out little things that soon can be a part of a big mistake. Enjoying too much might lead you to boredom at the end because you never realize certain things were getting mundane. And of course you hate to see someone carrying a planner and ask that person in an amusing tone "What are you suppose to do with that?!"
Which way is better? Which one works for you? I'll be glad to know and collate some good points. ;0)